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Susan Schwartz, MS, PMP

Susan’s international executive experience drives her passion to assure technically expert professionals succeed as they transition into leadership and management positions.  Having been a technical expert who became a global leader, she has experienced many of the same hurdles that today’s aspiring leaders face and is able to empower them with the confidence and necessary skills to succeed as they take on unfamiliar roles and responsibilities.

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Today's Challenges

Top expert professionals are often promoted based on technical expertise and not intangible leadership capabilities.  They “fail up” when trying to perform tasks that may not come naturally to them.  In fact, 84% of the people in today’s workplace have left or are considering leaving a job because of their managers.  High turnover rates cause lost productivity and increased recruitment costs which significantly impact the business bottom line.


The River Birch Group addresses these challenges by equipping high performers who are moving into manager and partner tracks with skills to build better relationships and communicate effectively.  Instead of “failing up”, they “succeed forward”.

Who We Serve

Small to mid-size growing businesses experiencing high turnover and disengaged employees.  We partner with business owners and senior staff to provide training and coaching for rising organization leaders with the goal of lowering recruitment costs and creating a dynamic workplace that encourages innovation and productivity.

What We Offer

Reach out to The River Birch Group when you see newly promoted managers struggling and turnover rates increasing.   

Expert to Excellence™

A customized mini-workshop program focused on turning intangible leadership concepts into tangible action plans.

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